Created by Donna Jairdullo. This came from Tease, a book about t-shirt transformations.
I saw this really cool t-shirt and new it was destined to be a bag. I made some changes and also added a lining. Here is how I added the lining (bare with me, this is my first tutorial).
T-shirt sizes will vary so your measurements will be different than mine. My seams were 1/2".
- Here were my measurements after attaching extra fabric to top of panels = 17 1/2"w x 18 1/2"h.
- When attaching exterior panels, I make sure I'm starting and stopping above ribbon (so it's included in seam).
- I recommend reinforcing the stitch marks. Open up side seam and do a zig zag stitch (in place) where the start and stop marks are.
Make lining:
- Measure your panels. Subtract 2" from height. This is your lining measurement. Cut 2. My measurements = 17 1/2"w x 16 1/2"h.
- Line up bottom raw edge of lining with the bottom of the exterior portion. Mark on the lining , wrong side, the stop and start stitch mark you made in a previous step. This is your stop/start stitch mark for lining.
- If you would like to add pockets, place them 4 1/2" down from lining top raw edge. My pocket size= 6"L x 14 1/2"W
- Right sides together, stitch the lining panels together starting and stopping at marks.
- Press seam open. Above seam, fold the seam allowance to wrong side 1/2" and press. Stitch in place, make sure to stitch straight across side seam too.
Attach Lining and Exterior
- If you haven't already, turn exterior of bag right side out. Slide lining into exterior, wrong sides together. Match up bottom edges and corners. Pin the top of lining in place. Along the top raw edge of lining, baste stitch to exterior.
- Place one handle on the inside of the back panel. Fold fabric over handle, about 2". Gather and pin fabric in place.
- Stitch as close to the handles as you can. Repeat on the other side.
Your bag is now complete with lining.
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